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TURCK PT Series (bar scale)
Ausgewählte Teilenummer: 
Pressure Range (bar)
Measurement Type
Fluid Connection
Output Circuitry
Electrical Connection
0.5 0 to 0.5 bar (0 to 7.25 psi)
001 0 to 1 bar (0 to 14.5 psi)
002 0 to 1.6 bar (0 to 23.2 psi)
003 0 to 2.5 bar (0 to 36.25 psi)
004 0 to 4 bar (0 to 58 psi)
006 0 to 6 bar (0 to 87 psi)
010 0 to 10 bar (0 to 145 psi)
016 0 to 16 bar (0 to 232 psi)
01V -1 to 0 bar (-14.5 to 0 psi) (vacuum)
025 0 to 25 bar (0 to 362.5 psi)
040 0 to 40 bar (0 to 580 psi)
060 0 to 60 bar (0 to 860 psi)
100 0 to 100 bar (0 to 1450 psi)
160 0 to 160 bar (0 to 2320 psi)
250 0 to 250 bar (0 to 3625 psi)
400 0 to 400 bar (0 to 5800 psi)
600 0 to 600 bar (0 to 8700 psi)
A Absolute
R Relative
11 G1/4" Female BSPP
13 1/4" Male NPT
LI3 8-33 VDC / 4-20 mA loop powered
LU2 11.4-33 VDC / 0-10 V
H1131 3-pin M12 eurofast
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